The Secret to Growing Your Blog That Successful Bloggers Don’t Share

Posted by Elna on

Psst…I have a secret to share.

Not many successful bloggers – including me – have mentioned the one thing that can grow your blog.

If you’re brand new to blogging or you’re interested in starting a blog, you might want to know whether or not blogging is worth it, eh?

Why start something that won’t be successful or profitable?

Why put the effort into starting a website only to have your husband or mom visit it?

A Blog is For You!

When I first started Twins Mommy, I had no visitors.

I tried to use the audience from my other blog (a freelance writing blog) to visit Twins Mommy, but that didn’t work.

I also was writing for the wrong audience and it wasn’t until I was more authentic that I started attracting the right audience.

Now, after a year I have followers, subscribers, comments, shares and now income from my blog.

I figured “it” out and am growing my blog. But, for many new bloggers, their focus gets lost. You’re not growing fast enough or at all. Or, you gave yourself an ultimatum and didn’t accomplish what you set out to do.

I get you.

Blogging is hard, especially if you’re a mom.

You have to contend with your children and a house to take care of and a job if this isn’t your main hustle.

So, we go back to that point of whether or not a blog is for you. Well, it is!

You Can Make Money Blogging

You see other big bloggers making bank on their blog and you want that too. But how can you make money from blogging? Let’s look at the top ways here.

1. Start a Service

This is the first way I started making money blogging three years ago. I became a freelance writer and made money blogging for businesses. I can make up to $600 a post doing this and as a mom to twins, this was easy for me to make a full-time income within months.

To start a service, you need to know the skill you want to monetize. From there you can create a Hire Me page and start a blog focussing on that skill to show your credibility.

2. Affiliate Marketing

The other easy way to start generating income quickly is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you promote a product or service and when someone uses your special link and buys that product, you earn a commission from that.

For example, if you rave about your Instant Pot and link to that from Amazon you can earn a commission when someone uses that special link and buys from Amazon.

There are many ways to promote your affiliate product. One way is to create an income generating post. This is a post that lives on your blog and makes sales every day.

For example, I have one affiliate post on my Elna Cain site that I wrote over a year ago. I don’t even promote it as a blog post. It’s a page on my site that you cannot go to unless you see a link of it on social media or in another blog post.

That little post consistently earns me over $1k a month – on autopilot.

For other ways to promote your affiliate products, make sure to pick up my FREE promotion guide.

3. Create a Product

The final way a new blogger can start earning an income from blogging is to create a product. This can be an eBook, course, printables etc… This is the best way for sustainable income over the long run but can be the most challenging to start and finish this project.

I have four courses divided between my two blogs. For 2018 I plan on creating more courses for both my blogs since this is another way to make sales every day.

So, with a bit of time and effort, you can also start making money blogging.

But before you can even do that, you need that one thing that will ensure you are successful as a blogger.

If You Do This One Thing You Will Grow Your Blog

Blogging takes time and patience. But there’s one thing that holds true for any blog in any niche.

Wanna know what it is that will help your blog grow and become a success?

Do something for your blog every day.

I know that sounds simple, but this is where many bloggers fail.

They neglect their blog, they fail to share their posts and their passion is gone. Is that you? I hope not!

If you fail to do something for your blog every day, your blog won’t thrive. These tasks aren’t always on your blog, but it’s for your blog.

For example, maybe it’s a Facebook Live on your Facebook page or an email you send to your loyal subscribers.

It can be an infographic you post on Pinterest.

Whatever that piece of content is, it’s all for your blog and your end goal. To help you out, I’ll share a weekly blogging schedule that can help you stay focused on your blog and earn you an income.

A Weekly Blogging Schedule to Help You Make Money

On Monday is when I promote my blog posts on Facebook and manually Pin on Pinterest. This is the time where I can network and answer questions from other bloggers in my Facebook groups. I also outline and get started on a blog post or two.

Tuesday is when I draft up my email for the week and answer emails. I reflect on anything that I learned and share any tips I can to help my subscribers grow their blog and income. If you’re struggling to come up with an email topic, check out my post on 8 Emails You Can Send That Aren’t About Your Latest Blog Post.

Wednesday is a home day for my twins. This is my mom day. During this day I do go on social media to post and network. I also focus on answering emails that I didn’t answer earlier in the week. When the twins go to sleep I finish my blog posts and create the graphics.

Thursday is when I reply to any comments on my blog and think about any Facebook Live topics, lead magnet ideas or course lessons. I also work on more blog post ideas.

Friday is another day I promote my blog post on social media. If I’m in course mode I will record lessons. I also work on infographics or alternate Pin graphics.

The weekend is family time and more time to think about more blogging ideas. While I do have my other blogs and clients, I try to do work for my Twins Mommy blog every day.

This propels my blog further, gets more pages on my blog and ultimately more views on my blog, leading to more traffic.

When you’re consistent, you can grow your traffic and generate income from blogging. It is possible!

Do Something For Your Blog Every Day

That’s the secret! Work on doing anything to help your blog inch forward every day. I know it’s easy to make your blog the last thing on your list, but for 2018 change that up.

Look at your goals and see how your blog can help you achieve that.

Do you want to earn more money?

Do you want to create a product?

Your blog can help you do that and more!