Looking for answers..

Posted by Courtney Lopez on

Tonight we leave to go to further South and stay with family so we’re closer to CHOP ( Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia ) for Sweet Baby’s doctor appointment.  We’re hoping to get answers.. hoping to that we don’t have to start a journey that involves testing to find a diagnosis.   When any parent first feeds their child they never think that food can harm them.. it’s a living nightmare..  Just last night while I was eating dinner Sweet Baby looked over at me signing more.. She put those two little chubby hands in perfect position to do it and it killed me.  Why can’t I give her some?  She doesn’t understand that it will make her sick.. she turned away and played with her toy and pretended to eat.  

We have been trialing banana as we think it’s safe for her to eat without issues and she gets a little bite each day.  She gets so excited and squeals “num nums nanas!”  My heart!  Tomorrow will begin a new chapter for us and while we don’t know which way we’ll be going it will most definitely be in the right direction.  

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