You’re there.
You’re ready to start a mommy blog, and you can see it, feel it and breathe it, eh?
I started Twins Mommy over two years ago and can’t believe that this little blog is making money and growing traffic! And to top it all off, I have an audience that tells me in emails or on Facebook how much my posts are helping them become a mommy blogger.
I love it and know you will too!
Before I get into the nitty-gritty of this post, since you want to start a blog, I have a step-by-step tutorial on how to start a mommy blog just for you! Now is the time to invest mamas!
Twins Mommy has allowed me to stay home with my twins. My husband can stay home as well, and we are free to take off on a road trip, take a plane ride for a mini vacation or just take the afternoon off and have lunch together.
And my twins see us every day and know nothing different from us staying home and working.
And it all starts with starting a mom blog.
But, before you dive in and do that, let’s look at the five critical things you need to do before you start a blog.
1. Figure Out Your Niche
Your niche is the topic your blog is all about. For a lot of bloggers, it’s one main topic, like food, while for others, it’s multiple topics, like I have on Twins Mommy.
On my blog, I post on:
- Blogging tips
- Mom blogger tips
- Email marketing tips
- Productivity tips
- Pinterest tips
- Make money blogging tips
- My twins
As you can see, I blog about a lot of different things, but I feel I still have a main niche. That’s because my niche is a demographic.
Yes, you can niche for a topic or niche for a demographic.
Twins Mommy attracts mom bloggers wanting to make money blogging. This is a demographic.
I have another blog, Elna Cain, and my niche is freelance writing.
See the difference?
So, when figuring out your blog niche, decide if you want to blog about one main topic or one main demographic. It’s okay to blog about different topics as long as you can identify with one group of people.
From there, you need to decide on what you will blog about. I like to look at what I’m passionate about, what I know about and what can generate income later on.
For example, you love history and want to blog about that. This may be hard to monetize later on, right?
But, if you enjoy cooking, having a blog around food, can build a big following and can turn out to be monetizing.
What happens if you get your mom blog up and running but after three months you want to blog about another idea? That’s totally fine! It’s your blog, right? Go ahead and pivot and change your audience or your niche.
I did that with Twins Mommy, and I’m so glad. I was able to find the right audience and tailor my content just for them (which is you!!!)!!!
2. Know Your Blogging Goals
There are about a million and one reasons why people start blogging. But, what matters is YOUR goal for starting a mom blog. Is it to inspire others?
Maybe it’s to educate others, or maybe you just want to document your journey or transition.
Whatever the reason, understanding the reason behind blogging can help you accomplish your goal. This can be a monetary goal, or you can use some other metric to see your progress towards achieving your goal.
For Twins Mommy, in the beginning, my goal was to meet other mom bloggers doing what I was doing. But, this soon changed to sharing my journey to growing this blog.
Again, it’s okay to change your goal for blogging. Twins Mommy evolves every few months as I learn new ways to grow my traffic, list, and income.
This can help you during hard times and slow times on your blog. When you focus on the why behind your blog, you get the motivation to keep on going!
3. Find Time to Blog and Stick to It
I get it –
We are moms, and we have NO time even to shower (maybe that was just me?)!
Where do you find the time to start a blog and to blog consistently?
Here are my top tips:
Carve Out a Time to Blog
Find a time every day that you can focus on your blog. This can be in the morning before your family wakes up, at night when everyone is asleep or during nap time.
While you can try to get your blogging goals accomplished by doing things here and there or at the park while your little one is playing, you’ll be more successful when you carve out time for your blog.
Before my twins were in school, I would work on my blog and freelance writing during nap time and when they went to bed. When the dropped their last nap, I had to only work when they went to bed.
Now, that they are in school, I do most of my work from 9-12, and that seems to be enough.
Batch Your Tasks
I’m sure you’ve heard about this all over the web. Batching means doing one task to completion before moving on to another task. So for your blog, instead of working on one blog post from start to finish, you work on several by breaking it down:
- Outline several blog posts
- Create graphics for several posts
- Write several of your posts
- Schedule your posts
Make sense?
Create Your Blog Content Around a Theme
An easy way to find blog topics is to create a theme around your posts. For every month you can focus on a topic and dive deep into that topic that’s related to your blog niche.
For example, if you have a frugal living blog, one month can be unlikely ways you can save money. Each post can highlight those unlikely ways.
I recently did 12 Days of Pinterest Tips.
I was able to quickly come up with 12 blog topics (ideally, two months worth of content) within minutes and could write a post a day.
4. Believe In Blogging
If you’ve been researching how to become a mommy blogger, then I’m sure you’ve had some misconceptions about blogging.
I know I did when I first started!
One of the biggest misconceptions is that it’s too hard to make money from blogging and any money you do make is only chump change. I can tell you that from my experience, that isn’t the case.
I started blogging as a way to freelance write. So, in essence, my goal in starting a blog was to make money. I made a service-based website and marketed my service and within four to six months was making a full-time living only doing this part-time.
I also know other mom bloggers that are making money on their blog like Kumiko of The Budget Mom.
And there are even mom blogs that pay you to write for them!!
So, as you can see, there are ways to make money blogging, and if you work at it, it will happen!
5. Understand That This is a Journey (And It Can Be Hard)
Listen –
I don’t want you to think that this is easy. A mommy blog requires a lot of work. You need to develop a unique voice and attract an audience. This is how your blog will thrive and grow.
You also need to learn your monetization strategy so that you have a plan. Finally, you need to see that even with the hard times, there will be wonderful times too!
I love blogging and wouldn’t change it for the world!
It’s Your Turn
Now it’s your turn – tell me why you want to start a blog or if you already did, the #1 reason why you did it! I want to hear from you!
Remember to pin me!