11 Tailwind Tribes for Mom Bloggers to Explode Their Traffic

Posted by Elna on

11 Tailwind Tribes for Mom Bloggers to Explode Their Traffic

Hi there mamas!

The holidays are here and I thought I’d do something fun and festive. This time of the year is notorious for spending money, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to just get something free for once and not spend any more?

For the next 12 days I’m going to share a list of freebies mama bloggers or stay-at-home moms can grab. They’re perfect for this time of the year when you’re gearing up for the next year.

Here are the other freebies I have in this series,

16 Awesome Podcasts for Mompreneurs

12 Happy Mom + Happy Home Freebies

14 Free Courses to Earn More Income as a Stay-at-Home Mom
11 Free Calendars to Start 2017 Off On the Right Foot
11 Helpful YouTube Channels for Mompreneurs
16 Totally Free Tools to Grow Your Blog Traffic
12 Free Planners to Help You Grow Your Blog
14 Free eBooks to Grow Your Blog and Income
11 Awesome Pinterest Groups for Mom Bloggers
10 Useful Facebook Groups Just for Mom Bloggers
Who’s in love with Tailwind?

I certainly am. They are probably the #1 reason why my traffic has exploded for this new blog so early on. And just recently I discovered something even more awesome – Tailwind Tribes.

To me, Tailwind Tribes are like another Pinterest group, but it’s all in Tailwind and they are exclusive, meaning you have to be invited.

When you are a part of tribes you can share your pins and save other pins in your niche. So, just being in one tribe can boost your re-shares and traffic. And if you are 10, 20 or more? Phew! Hold on mama!

This is my re-shares, repins and my reach (that’s the important number) on just one Tailwind Tribe:


Not bad eh?

So, I’ve scoured the internet and checked a lot of blog posts talking about Tailwind tribes and gathered up 11 Tailwind Tribes just for mom bloggers.

1. Blogger’s Chalkboard from This Mama Learns

Blogger’s Chalkboard Tribe is about everything to help bloggers – blogging tips, social media tips, monetization methods, email list building..

Cath from This Mama Learns created this awesome tribe.

2. Blogging Tips by Practical Mommy

Blogging Tips Tribe is a place for all your blogging, social media, traffic, affiliate marketing tip pins. Please only pin blog posts, no product pins.

Kristen from Practical Mommy created this great tribe.

3. What Matters to Mommy Tribe by Michelle

What Matters to Mommy Tribe is a tribe for friends of What Matters to Mommy. Share anything related to making money, saving money, losing weight, working from home, or parenting. These things all Matter to Mommy!!

Michelle of What Matters to Mommy created this mommy tribe.

4. Blogging Friend’s Pins by Learning 2 Bloom

Blogging Friend’s Pins Tribe is a tribe about blogging friends promoting each others pins.

Laurie of Learning 2 Bloom make this tribe for bloggers.

5. Mom Blogs by Mama is Happy

Mom Blogs Tribe is about Anything of interest to Moms (family, kids, recipes, budgeting, finance, making extra money, saving money, etc.).

Cynthia of Mama is Happy created this Tailwind Tribe for mamas of all types!

6. Healthy Busy Mamas by Sweet Tea & Cotton

Healthy Busy Mamas Tribe is tribe for healthy mamas that are busy. It’s created by Kyleigh of Sweet Tea and Cotton.

7. Oh, Baby, Baby! By All Babied Up

Oh, Baby, Baby! Tribe is for new mommies with babies. It’s created by All Babied Up and is a nice looking site!

8. Busy Blogging Moms by Chantal

Busy Blogging Moms Tribe is for THE No.1 tribe supporting mom bloggers of all kinds.

Chantal of Busy Blogging Moms created this great Tailwind tribe for blogging moms.

9. Mama Style Bloggers by My Kind of Sweet

Mama Style Bloggers is for stylish mamas out there with lifestyle blogs.

Suzanne of My Kind of Sweet created this chic tribe.

10. Practical Mommy Lifestyle by Kristen

Practical Mommy Lifestyle Tribe is about all pins related to the mommy lifestyle – fashion, recipes, organization, parenting, crafts.

Kristen of Practical Mommy has this awesome tribe too!

11. BP Bloggers by Becky & Paula

BP Bloggers Tailwind Tribe is created by Becky & Paula and they have one of the best blogs ever to help you grow your blog.

Bonus! 12. Mom+Tot+Blog by Bernadette

Mom+Tot+Blog Tailwind Tribe is a new tribe from Bernadette of Mom+Carrot. Her board is about all things for kids ages 0-5: Parenting tips and tricks, breast feeding, meal plans, routines, sleep schedules, organization, learning games, preschool, discipline, gift guides, product reviews, introducing a new sibling, etc. Posts about WAHM and SAHM life with babies or toddlers are also okay to include. Basically anything about life with a kid under age 5 is A-Okay!

There Ya Go!

Enjoy the Tailwind Tribes and remember to share other pinner’s posts and repin them too! If you have a Tailwind Tribe for mom bloggers please feel free to share it in your comment!


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