Octopus Hot Dogs

Posted by Courtney Lopez on

Octopus Hot Dogs are fun for kids and adults! Learn how to make octopus hot dogs for your next party!

octopus hot dogs

These Octopus hot dogs are always a hit at parties, especially children’s parties! It’s easy to make a bunch in a large pot of boiling water. You can prep these ahead of time and then boil them right before the party. You can even do this same method with mini hot dogs for topping things like spaghetti or mac and cheese. Kids will get a kick out of this fun take on the otherwise classic hot dog.

Serve with your favorite condiments and let the kids even have a fun hot dog bar with them!

Most common toppings for hot dogs:

  • Mustard
  • Chili
  • Ketchup
  • Sourkraut
  • Red onions
  • Relish

How to make octopus hot dogs

Start off by boiling a pot of water to get ready for the hot dogs.

Now you just need a regular hot dog, we suggest organic all-beef hot dogs, but any kind of hot dog will do.

hot dog for Octopus Hot Dogs

Make a slit right down the middle of the hot dog through to one end.

cutting octopus hot dogs

Then flip the hot dog and make another slit so you’ll have four pieces of hot dog cut.

diy octopus hot dogs

Make sure that you’re only cutting through the hot dog half way so that the other half is uncut.

how to make hot dogs octopus

How do you cook octopus hot dogs?

Once you cut all of the hot dog you will have hot dog octopus ready for boiling water.

how to make octopus hot dogs

How long should you boil hot dogs?

Place them in boiling water for about 5 minutes.

How do you know when hotdogs are done boiling?

Once you see the octopus hot dog legs curling up remove them from the water.

When they’re done put into your favorite bun and top with your desired toppings.

hot dog octopus

Octopus Hot Dogs

Octopus Hot Dogs are fun for kids and adults! Learn how to make octopus hot dogs for your next party!

  • 8 hot dogs
  1. Start off by boiling a pot of water to get ready for the hot dogs.
  2. Make a slit right down the middle of the hot dog through to one end.
  3. Flip the hot dog and make another slit so you’ll have four pieces of hot dog cut.

  4. Once you cut all of the hot dog you will have hot dog octopus ready for boiling water.
  5. Boil for about 5 minutes.

  6. Once you see the octopus hot dog legs curling up remove them from the water.
  7. Place your octopus hot dogs into your favorite bun and top with your desired toppings.



The post Octopus Hot Dogs appeared first on Courtney's Sweets.