How 11 Freelancers Make Money Online With Their Blog

Posted by Elna on

How 11 Freelancers Make Money Online With Their Blog
Are you interested in being a freelancer?

My name is Elna and I’m a freelance writer and mom blogger! After I had my twins, I wanted to get back to work, but daycare for twins was a lot of money! My paycheck would cover the daycare service and I wouldn’t have had much left.

Plus, I was a fierce mama bear and couldn’t even imagine leaving my little ones with someone else. That’s why I decided to work from home. I chose freelance writing, worked part time and within 6 months was making a full-time living only working part time!

Freelancing is a the perfect way to make money for mamas! It’s totally budget-friendly – all you need is to start a blog, put up a services page, set up social media profiles and that’s it!

You can do this as a side hustle like I am or if you’re a stay-at-home mom with school-aged kids, make this your full-time gig!

And since I want to serve you as much as I can to help you become a successful mompreneur, I’m starting a series on how to make money online using your blog.

If you’re interested in freelance writing or another freelance service, check out these 11 awesome freelancers and learn what services they are commanding, how they started and how much they are making.

1. Cath | Catherine Oneissy

Business: Copywriting & Pinterest Management

In February 2016, I made a momentous decision. I was on maternity leave and I decided I couldn’t face returning to work and leaving my baby. That meant I had to find a way to make an income and I turned to the internet to find a way.

Freelance writing was one of the ways that quickly appeared on my radar, but a bad experience at Upwork left me thinking that it was totally lame. However, I was also following Elna Cain who’d started a blog in the same niche – Twins Mommy – and after a few interactions I ended up becoming Elna’s new copyeditor!

*Note from Elna: And my husband LOVES you for this, since he was my editor*

Money was finally coming in. And I was picking up all kinds of writing knowledge from editing Elna’s work. Maybe freelance writing deserved another shot?

There’s one clear thread of commonality I see in most stories of people actually making a living online – they focus on one way. They aren’t out chasing the latest shiny object or debating whether they should dabble with some SEO this week, and oh yeah, maybe promote that latest blog post in some Facebook group they’ve never participated in before.

So, I made it official. I put some skin in the game and I bought Elna’s course, Write to $1k. My first client came along a month later and things have grown from there (click on the image to learn more).

I offer copyediting, blog post writing, ghost writing, and copywriting services to B2B businesses in the digital marketing niche. I’m also planning to add Pinterest Management services this year.

Since my first client was in the WordPress design/development niche, I’ve been able to use my published posts as a good portfolio to expand my client roster and creep up the rates ladder. It wasn’t exactly intentional, but most of my clients have hired me for weekly (or more frequent) blog posts.

So far all my clients have come from cold pitches, and one even came from Upwork!

I’m a mom, so time is pretty limited. And I’m critically aware of the need to write faster! I haven’t pursued expanding my business as aggressively as I could have, simply so that I have time to adjust to my increasing workload.

All my clients are in the digital marketing and WordPress niches and their posts require research, citation, and loads of examples plus images. I also upload most of their posts into WordPress which takes time.

I have 4-6 hours a day that I can write and do client work. But that’s also my me-time, and my blog time. I’m starting to set boundaries around my work time and get into a bit of a rhythm because I know it’s essential to sustaining my business without burning out.

December was a very quiet month for me income-wise, however this month is going to more than make up for it. I’m going to get awfully close to cracking the $3k mark!

My number #1 tip for anyone who’s interested in becoming a freelance writer is this:

Find sites in your niche that employ multiple freelance writers and cold pitch to them. Study the posts they publish and make sure your samples are up to scratch. A polished pitch and relevant samples will give you a great chance at scoring a gig. Once you have that first client, you can build from there.

Freelance writing’s been a whirlwind ride. It’s certainly keeping me busy!

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2. Cindy | Make Your Blog Beautiful

Business: Stock Photos

I got started online back in 2004, when my baby girl was one year old.  Up until that time I was a public school teacher and then an elementary school librarian.

I was desperate to stay home with my new daughter when she was born in 2003, so I took my photography skills (my parents were professional photographers) and started my own home based portrait studio.  It was fun, but I ended up working even more, which defeated the whole purpose of why I wanted to work for myself (to have more time with my family).

So, in 2004, I created my first website and web-based business, teaching other photographers how to start home-based businesses.  I sold courses online and soon was making six figures.  It was great to be able to spend time with my kids (I was blessed with a second daughter in 2007) and make more money than I ever did as a teacher.

After lots of changes both personally and professionally, that business was put on the back burner and I kind of shelved everything for a while.  I discovered styled stock photography while researching blogging a few years ago, and knew that I would be able to create something beautiful for bloggers, so I kept it in the back of my mind.

I finally launched Make Your Blog Beautiful back in Sept. 2016, so it is still very new.  There has been good response so far – I make around $1000 am month! – and I am currently focusing on adding more photos to build up the membership library, while also adding products to Creative Market.

I want to create as much passive income as possible, so for me that meant setting up a recurring membership where I just continually add new photos.  I’m just now putting up some of my images on Creative Market, in order to drive more traffic to the blog and reach more of an audience.

I love being able to help bloggers and designers (who don’t have the time or inclination to take their own photos) by providing them with an affordable and easy way to get stylish stock images for their blogging and social media needs.

Currently, I spend about 3 to 4 hours per day working on the blog (taking/editing photos, pinning, writing posts, planning new photo sets, and interacting in Facebook groups, etc.), sometimes more, sometimes less.  My girls are older now (one teenager and one preteen), so it is easier for me to spend more time working than I did when they were little.

My number one piece of advice for anyone considering creating their own freelancing business would be to just do it.  Don’t let fear hold you back, and don’t wait for permission or approval from anyone. 

So many times we are afraid of what people will think or what they will say.  If I had let fear hold me back all those years ago, I never would have been able to leave my teaching job and make more money that I ever imagined, all while being able to stay home with my daughters.  And to me, that was worth everything.

Connect with me on Facebook!

3. Alissia | Alissia Haggard

Business: Social Media Management

I started my online journey back in 2015 with my blog. I decided to stay out of the freelancing game at first because I felt like the market was super saturated. I saw all the Facebook group posts and the dozens of VAs looking for work. I didn’t think there was space for me.

Upon the urging of one of my online blogging buddies, I was encouraged to start exploring the idea of social media management. I wasn’t exactly sure where to start but I found a mentor who could teach me more of the business side of starting as a freelancer. I started my freelance business in September 2016 and quickly started lining up clients. My goal for this year is to make $4000/mo as a social media manager. My December income was $1500.

I help women entrepreneurs spend more time doing what they love. Social media can be so time consuming and ever-changing. I enjoy helping my clients get back to what matters to them- both personally and professionally. I really enjoy helping them figure out their best social media strategy and seeing their growth because of social media.

I primarily find my clients online (generally on Facebook) but I have had some leads via referrals and through my blog. One of the best parts of freelancing for me is that I can truly work in the nooks and crannies of my life. I can still spend time with my kids and generate an income from home.

Overall, I probably spend about 2-3 hours (mainly during naptime) a day on my business.

My best piece of advice for a new mom looking to freelance is to get great systems in place at home and in your business to manage it all. Communicate well with your family and clients to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Follow me on Twitter @alissiahaggard!

4. Jena | Jena Liat VA

Business: Pinterest Virtual Assistant for entrepreneurs

It was August and school was just starting again. I was driving 45 minutes both ways to teach 3rd grade.

I knew the group I was getting was going to be a tough one. My teammate and I had already been warned, they were violent and unruly. This was my second teaching job in my almost 7 years, I could handle it!

By September I knew there had to be more in life than working long hours and still bringing work home. I had been in a MLM (multi-level marketing) for two years before and learned a lot about making money online; there were other options.

I quit teaching and Jena Liat was born just before my 30th birthday.

I started dabbling in administrative work and helping a food blogger promote her work. After a month, I started handling her Pinterest account.

THIS was IT! I LOVED Pinterest!

I kept getting training and learning everything possible. I then narrowed the focus of my business to helping entrepreneurs increase their visibility using Pinterest and my business took off!

I have several packages, from initial set up of business accounts to monthly maintenance and making graphics. I even clean up and optimize existing accounts for maximum SEO!

I have been fortunate to not have much overhead with my business, so I have been making money since day one. I have sent out over $1,000 in invoices in January and the month is only half over, so I am pleased with my growth!

I spend 3 hours a day or so on client work and about 3 hours a day on my own business since I am in the startup part of business. It rarely feels like work! I can work while my girls are in preschool or napping. I can take time off if we want to go to the zoo or visit family and I can work from anywhere!

My number one tip for those interested in being a freelancer is to develop thick skin. It can be tough to accept criticism and be told no. It is a never-ending process, but use it to keep learning and growing!

5. Zakiya | Have That Cake

Business: Biz Consultant & Photographer

In terms of “freelancing”, I have two businesses.

Business A (called Have That Cake), teaches small businesses (aka those making under US$500,000 a year) how to get out of their own way and utilize their untapped skill set to make money regardless of the economy.

In Business B (called Zookie Photography), I photograph everyday women, naked on the beaches of the Caribbean – experiencing unadulterated freedom and love of their bodies for the first time

They both work quite well together in that I get my creative physical outlet through my photography business, and I get my mental rigor through solving people’s beginner biz problems in my consultant business.

Why and how you did you get started freelancing?

You know those people who’ve ALWAYS known they should work for themselves – I’m one of them.

I trusted my gut, and knowing that I wasn’t cut out for the 9 to 5 world, I took all the mini leaps until I’m here where I am now.

There wasn’t any one big “jump” into freelancing and working for yourself. It was more like a series of terraced cliffs, where you can’t tell how far the platform is below unless you jump. Each jump has put me into interesting situations, and some platforms have more dangers than others.

The key is to know when to pivot, and get the hell off of that platform! To never be afraid of jumping again. Change is the only constant. When you learn to love the excitement of things changing for the better – it’s easier to jump!

So jump I did, and jump I still do

How do you help people?

I help women break that mental cycle of hate, and for at least one day only, they fall in love completely with their bodies and with themselves. A heavenly aura doesn’t even describe the perfection and beauty of my wild women after we’re finished with a day of sexy, fun, amazing pictures in the sand.

I also help people who have those massive dreams to buy that new house, to move their family out of that neighborhood, to help their friends when they need it, to be home more with their kids.. I help those people learn how to make their current business work and make money, so that they can get one step closer to achieving those dreams.

My structure / How people hire you

My photography business is currently run almost completely off of word of mouth! I’ve been doing it for so long and have had such a stream of amazing, happy clients, that I don’t have to hunt for clients anymore. They just keep coming!

My consultancy business is run off of a 50/50 mix of word of mouth and Facebook leads.

How much time I devote to my businesses per day

I’ve always wanted to be physically present in my family’s life, AND to enjoy my life as much as I could. So, I structure my days to show what I deem most important.

In my consultancy, I work 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sometimes I get time during the day when my son is napping, or I’ll schedule a meeting that can’t be done at night during a normal nap time. But mostly, I work after 8 pm every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

For my photography, I have only 30 shoots a year, and they’re always on weekends and planned in advance.

How much money do you make on average per month?

I make above $10k a month for both my businesses.

My number one tip for people interested in becoming a freelancer is know that the road is long and filled with adventure. And if you continue to see it as an adventure and not as “a way out,” you would stop running away from things, being scared when times get a bit hairy, and start running towards your success. It makes all the difference.

Connect with me on Facebook!

6. Alex | Malamax Content Marketing

Business: Content marketer for small businesses

My name is Alex and I am the owner of Malamax Content Marketing.

I am a Mother of two little boys, aged 2 and 7. I’m just entering my 3rd year of business, so life is pretty hectic at this stage. When I was expecting my second child, I knew it was time to make a change. I was working 60+ hours/week building someone else’s empire, and away from my family all the time.

I had always wanted to become self-employed, so ironically this seemed like the perfect time to make the plunge and just go for it.

As an experienced sales and marketing professional, it was a natural fit to start my own marketing company. I had this idea that I could help local small business figure out where to invest their marketing dollars, to ensure they were actually getting their messages in front of their target audience.

In theory, it was a great idea but turned out to be somewhat impractical. My local market is small, and I found business growth extremely challenging. After a year of struggling to grow, and a baby in daycare who was sick 90% of the time, I realized I needed to make a change.

Once I opened my eyes, I realized I was going about it the wrong way. I wasn’t listening to the market, or aligning my passions and skills with current demands.

As soon as I got out of my own way, I saw that I needed to become an online company offering business-growth services there was actually a demand for. This way, I could reach a larger demographic and keep my baby home with me.

This has been my focus for the last year, and it’s been absolutely incredible. I have a natural love for writing, so I’ve weaved my skills into marketable services of content creation and social media management. I’ve taken plenty of online courses to learn about content and email marketing, to augment my previous corporate marketing experience.

Now, I help entrepreneurs and small businesses create the content and systems they need to start ATTRACTING their ideal customers, rather than chasing them. I do a lot of copywriting, content creation, email marketing, social media management, and list-building.

My first year, I think I only grossed around $16k. Each year has gotten better, and I’m now in a pretty good groove. Every week and month is different, but I’ve reached the point now where I consistently bill 15-25 hours/week. Depending on the services provided, I’m charging $35-$60 per hour. I’m just entering my 3rd year in business, and it’s been steady growth.

I feel so blessed to do what I love, with my children right beside me. I work 5 days/week, but only clock an average of 5 hours each day. My oldest son goes to school, and my youngest has a babysitter 2 days/week. Life is busy and hectic, but it’s really the best of both worlds.

I am living my dream of running my own business, and get to have my kids home with me most of the time. I earn enough money to support my family, and truly love what I do!

I connect with potential customers through my website, blog, and social media accounts. I mostly rely on inbound marketing at this point, outside of the Facebook Groups I participate in.

Potential clients usually email to book a free consultation, and we discuss what their needs are. Everything is done digitally via the internet and Skype, as well as over the phone. I do have a few clients I meet face-to-face with, but most are located outside of Canada.

If I had to offer just ONE piece of advice to someone considering freelancing, it would be this: find a way to marry your passions and talents with a market demand. When you can do something you love, and there is truly a demand for it, you will be unstoppable!

Connect with me on Facebook!

7. Lucy | Leave It to Lucy

Business: Virtual Assistant

I got started officially as a Virtual Assistant in the summer of 2015. I was working at a local nonprofit and was unhappy, unfulfilled, and wanted to have more flexibility in my life and more interesting work.

At a meeting, I had met a woman at a local women’s networking group who runs a Virtual Assistant Agency. I went and met her and signed up. I started out slowly for the rest of 2015, taking on referrals from her that matched my skill set. From the start, I also made ‘house calls,’ which is unusual as a VA, but which has brought in more job opportunities and clients for me.

By 2016, I was ready to find my own clients, go full-time and not have to pay a percentage to the agency.

I’ve done this in a variety of ways: Creating a website, starting a FB business page, started an e-newlsletter, running a contest, doing a FB ad, letting the word out to my own FB and personal contacts, having spiffy business cards designed that are part of my website design ie. brand and passing them out to current clients and everywhere else I can think of.

I also offer a discount to current clients who successfully refer a new client to me. What I have discovered is that marketing your business consistently and frequently is crucial and very time consuming! It is the one area of my business that I get help on as I readily admit I am no expert. I also started outsourcing some of my work. It has enabled me to take on more work and increased my income.

As for my niche, I am still refining that. At this point, I am not a techie VA, but instead I tend to work with musicians, performers, solopreneurs and clients who just need some help with organizing; whether it be their home office, files, etc. I provide everything from basic bookkeeping, proofreading/editing, organizing, enhancing your LinkedIn profile and or resume, event/party planning, travel planning and so on.

The biggest part of what Io do is detailed research on a subject. I love it and it is part of my work with most every client. I have also slowly moved into Life Strategies coaching for clients. It will go on my website this year as I really enjoy helping a client figure out how to run their lives easily and efficiently.

Potential clients for the most part contact me either via email or calling me. I also offer a free 15 minute consult to see if we would be a good fit. I want to make sure I am the right person for them and if not, I usually can give them a referral.

As for how much I make as a VA, it has been going up – I average between $1,500-$2,000 a month. Last month, it was over $3,500!

I have two tips for those interested in starting their own freelance business that – in my mind – go hand in hand. Have a business/marketing plan ( basically your road map of what to do in the early months of starting your business) and an emergency fund. Everything will take longer than you expected and be more costly!  It will help keep stress low and give you more time to focus on creating the work life you love!

Connect with me on Facebook!

8. Krista |Making Lemonade

 Business: Registered Nutritionist, Health Writer & Content Creator

After dedicating the last 10 years to the Health & Fitness industry – first as a Fitness Trainer & bootcamp company owner, then as a Nutritionist for the past 6 years, I recently decided to change my job description. More like shape-shifting, I suppose!

I realized that doing 1-on-1 consultations, speaking engagements, and running health programs for gyms wasn’t my cup of antioxidant-rich green tea any more. I had lost the passion for the work, and was no longer feeling in my “zone of genius.”

However, what did strike me at the same time was that researching, writing and crafting web content – like blog articles – had become rather exciting, in a weird, health-nerd sort of way. I decided to jump in head-first to nurture my inner nerd.

So here I am as a freelance writer, specifically for my fellow Health Practitioners & Coaches. I mean, why not continue to immerse myself in what I know so well, and feel confident writing about? Health, nutrition and women’s wellness. I still get to “geek out” on a daily basis, and I’m able to support others in their new or existing health-based businesses. Win-win!

As a Health Coach Content Creator (not a very exciting title I’ve given myself, I realize), I offer blog writing services  – with or without attribution – web content writing, opt-in or lead magnet content creation, and eBook writing.

Generally, a prospective client likes to see sample work that I’ve done, both on my own women’s health blog Making Lemonade, as well as pieces I’ve done for others. Once we’ve connected about a project or content they need help with, we set out our terms, including scope of content, deadline and fees.

Depending on the project and the client, I would then send them a contract plus my invoice, then I get straight to work for them! I find myself churning out even better work than I did when it was just for my own purposes. It feels really good to be “stepping up my game!”

I’m still rather new at this, but my experiences so far have all been so positive. It’s much more flexible in all respects – time and hours spent working, the variety of topics I get to write about, and the rates I’m charging compared to what I was charging as a Fitness Trainer or Nutritionist.

The amount of time and energy I dedicated to every single one of my Fitness or Nutrition clients was exhausting! I’m pretty sure I only made about 5 bucks an hour when it came down to it.

Speaking of rates – I’m sure you’re all wondering what I make? Or more importantly, what you could be making working part time, online, as a freelancer? I currently make an additional $500-1000/month doing this part-time (~2 hrs/day as needed), as it’s still my “side hustle.” But I hope to change that very soon and go full-throttle with it, so sky’s the limit as far as I’m concerned.

I was really anxious when I first got started because I was so used to writing for myself in an effort to promote my health services, not to mention working so hard to get credit for my work!

So my #1 tip for you if you want to pursue a career, or at least a part time gig, as a freelancer, is this: don’t let the fear of your own voice being lost hold you back from writing for others. It’s still there, it’s just changed tone, and it’s mighty powerful!

Connect with me on Pinterest – my new fave social platform!

9. Kelsey | Kelsey Van Kirk

Business: Virtual Assistance

In September 2015, after over five years of solely devoting myself to being a stay-at-home mom to my four little girls, I decided to start a blog. What I thought would be a great creative outlet and possible source of extra income quickly turned into my “fifth baby!”

We’d gotten to a place in life where I was ready to do what I could, if possible, to ease some of the financial burden of providing for our larger family. I was also longing to have something creative to call my own and pour my latent passions into, outside of motherhood and domestic life.

And pour I did! For months I dove headfirst into learning all the ins and outs of running and growing a successful blog, how to build and monetize a successful brand and how to juggle it all while staying home and raising my four kiddos. There was lots of learning through trial and error, and I tried my hand at lots of different things!

From blogging, to webinars, to coaching, to affiliate marketing – I tried it all in the name of finding my “thing,” serving others, and creating some solid streams of income to make all my hard work worthwhile. I experienced many highs and many lows throughout my first year as a work-at-home mom, all of which led me to my first successful stream of online business income – freelance virtual assistance.

After months of building my own business and networking with other women who were doing the same thing, I began receiving lots of requests for advice or assistance when it came to all the inner workings of running a website or online business. I enjoyed helping people resolve the issues they were facing, but realized I was spending a lot of valuable time doing it. And so, an idea was born!

I realized I needed to do something to at least consistently bring in enough income to cover the operational costs of running my business, so I decided to take a leap of faith and advertise my virtual assistance services.

I started out super simple by creating a service offerings page on my blog, sharing it around with my blogger and online business owner friends, and within a week I had a handful of new clients booked, and by the end of the month I was booked out at 10 clients!

I offered assistance with things like blog writing, formatting and editing, graphic imagery creation, email management, social media management and website design, since these were all things I was already doing well in my own business.

I started out charging $20/hour but quickly increased my prices to $25/hour when I saw  how fast (and easily!) I was getting clients. When I received an inquiry I would schedule a 15-minute call with the potential client to find out her needs and determine if we’d be a good fit, before sending over a basic virtual assistance contract service agreement and retainer invoice.

To budget my time as best as possible, I opted to book clients on a minimum monthly retainer basis, meaning in order to retain service priority each client had to pay for a minimum number of service hours each month. I would track my hours using Toggl, and bill for any additional hours worked during the month in the following month’s retainer invoice.

During the first month when I was working with 10 clients, I averaged around 22 billed hours per week. However, this workload burned me out very quickly, so I narrowed my client list down to just a few quality clients I love working with, and have been able to earn a consistent $1,000 or so every month since!

My number one tip for people who want to be freelancers is to get out there and make connections! When you’re getting started, the easiest way to get your first clients is by already having established relationships with them, or with people they know who might refer you.

When I started doing freelance VA work I booked 10 clients in my first month because I had so many established relationships with my ideal clients who knew and respected the value of my skill set. So, go meet people! Facebook groups are my favorite as an online, work-at-home mom freelancer!

Follow me on Instagram!

10. Dana | Dana Klosner

 Business: Magazine Writing

Freelance writing is more than just a way to make money at home. It’s a way to connect with people and share their stories. That’s what I love about my work.

I came into freelancing in an unusual way. I was working as a writer’s assistant on an NBC-TV series and I sold a script to the show!!

It was after that I discovered journalism. I began writing as a freelancer for a weekly paper covering city council and school board meetings. Yawn. Then I became a staff writer at different weeklies around the Los Angeles area.

I realized I loved features. I met my husband, we moved up to Northern CA and we had our first baby. As you all are well aware, that changes everything. Not wanting to leave my son in daycare, I began my freelance career and worked at home.

I conducted telephone interviews when I could, and worked things out when I had to go out. I contributed features on a weekly basis for the daily paper in Monterey. We then moved to Maryland, we had a second child, and picked up my freelance career writing two neighborhood news columns and various features also weekly for The Baltimore Sun. After that, we moved to my home, New York, and I picked up many freelance jobs for newspapers and magazines.

Over the years, I have written many parenting pieces and now I consider that my niche. I recently got a job as a parenting columnist for Family Magazine, circulation 500,000.

I devote about three hours a day to my work, which equates to $400/month! Not bad! Of course, more when a deadline is approaching.

The best advice I can give about how to start out is to get published anywhere. Whether it’s for a local publication or a website just get published and don’t worry about what it pays. The more experience you get, the more you will make! Good luck!

11. Jenn | Jennifer Kurtz

Business: Digital + Web Design, Marketing

Long story short, I started freelancing because I was unhappy in my corporate job which I imagine is a similar story to a lot of people.

I’ve always struggled to balance my need to be creative and my need to be analytical.  My last semester of high school, we met with our school counselors to discuss best options for college majors.  I was good at math and science, so I was encouraged to study engineering- and engineering is a reliable job with a decent salary so clearlyyy that was the best option.

Except I didn’t take into account it is one of the least creative things I could possibly do.  So ten years later, I have a masters in engineering and I sit in a cubicle pod in a dark room with no windows 40 hours a week and repeatedly test cell phone like devices all day.

Power on.  Set brightness to low.  Did it work?  Record.  Reboot.  Set brightness to medium.  Did it work? Record.  Reboot.  Set volume to low.  Did it work?  Record. Reboot.  Set text magnifier.  Did it work?  Record.  Reboot.  For 8 hours a day.  Plus my hour commute there and hour commute back.

So in January of 2016, I decided to start a DIY blog to unleashe some of my pent up energy and creativity.  (I’ve always been crafty and building things and designing t-shirts and such.)  In May, I got the courage to take the leap from my (miserable) comfort zone to work part time at a non-profit, a job that I knew I would enjoy and could have time to search for something I was passionate about.

At the non-profit, I rediscovered my talent for design and how I have an innate ability to know how things fit together that puts people at ease and I knew a little bit of HTML/CSS code from engineering, so designing websites came naturally.  I also learned that I have a knack for marketing and reaching out to people, which kind of rounds everything out.

Since I was only part-time at the nonprofit, I spent a lot of time researching and learning as much as I could about anything and everything business and design.  In December, I spent a lot of time laying the ground work and pulling together all the design things I had done so far and building my website.

In January (this month) is my first month to put myself out there and try to freelance.  I’m on track to make about $1000.

I specialize in branding for small businesses.  I help small business owners clarify their vision and incorporate that into their logo so their audience gets the vision/vibe at a glance.

I build this vision into their website and custom graphic design/social media posts also.  I basically make everything work together.

The number one tip I would give to people freelancing is to keep going.  You’ll get told “no” a lot.  Messages will go unresponded to a lot.  Keep going, believe in yourself, and things will happen.

Connect with me on Facebook!

Offering a Service Is an Easy Way to Make Money

If you’re thinking about being a freelance writer, VA, coach or offer a service, you can see from these awesome freelancers that within the first month, many of these women were making bank!

Within my first month I was making around $400 a month and within the second month, well over $1,000 as a new freelance writer – part-timing it!

Use these tips for starting your service-based business and get on track to making money with your blog.

Over to you – are you a freelancer? Tell us your business and how you got started.

The First Step to Monetizing Your Blog is Traffic. Check Out Ready Set Blog For Traffic